And about time too! can't believe my last post was November!!
Although I do kind of have an excuse as I was overseas in the UK and the USA for the entire summer (December/January) were I did LOTS and LOTS of sketching
En route in the airport using my iPad app Paper 53 complete with funky Paper 53 stylus which my son later kindly lost for me so it was good old fashioned sketchbook from then on.
Gloucester Quays
Christmas shopping in Cirencester
I did not actually come across any Polar Bears whist on my travels but took to drawing them for a few days anyway.
In the pub over my favourite pint.
I even sketched my beloved New York despite the fact that at -9 degrees it was too cold to take my gloves off!
Snow on the Parapet of the Rockefeller Centre....not a sketch!
And in Aberdeenshire, Scotland. This is Pennan, where they filmed "Local Hero". Such a beautiful part of the world.
I've been loving working in ink again - an old love - I have this great brush pen with a black ink cartridge. I find it works to beautifully with my old favourite water soluble crayons. Most of my travel sketches were done using these two mediums together. I plan to turn my favourite sketches into mixed media, stitched works on paper similar to my Melbourne City Sketches.
Since I returned from my overseas meanderings I have been a bit busy with lots of fabulous markets and preparing for 2 - yes TWO! - exhibitions opening in April. But thats a whole other post!